
Where Will Agricultural Growth in Africa Come From?

In the past, African agriculture was limited due to lack of infrastructure. However, with recent improvements in rural infrastructure and the introduction of advanced technologies for agricultural production, Africa now has the opportunity to recapture the food security of other regions in the world that have been moving up in development.


Sanjeev Mansotra on how Sustainable Agriculture Mechanization can address the core challenges of Food Security in sub-Saharan Africa

In recent years, a lot of emphasis has been placed on the “hustle” culture. Young people across the planet have romanticized and idealized being busy and the idea that the more you do, the more valuable you are and the more successful you will become. Not only is this not true, it is also damaging to a person’s health and wellness. Mr. Sanjeev Mansotra believes that keeping the fine balance between work-life and self-care if the key to success.